The travel trailer is the most popular type of RV in America today. If you’re new to the RVing world, a travel trailer is towed behind your vehicle and provides living space. They are great for vacations because you don’t have to worry about finding a room and they are also used by many full-timers. Here is some basic information on travel trailers.
The travel trailer was invented in the early 1920’s. The early models were very small and were meant for short term tourists. Over the years they became larger with more living space. Today, travel trailers come in all different sizes. The smaller trailers can be less than 18 feet long and can be towed by a large car or truck. The smallest can even be towed by small cars. These trailers feature less living space and amenities and are mainly for short term stays. The biggest of the travel trailers can be anywhere from 25 to 40 feet long and generally require larger trucks to tow. They feature much more living space and are good for longer term stays or even for full-timers.
Their are two specialty variations of the travel trailer: the toy hauler and the fifth wheel. The toy hauler is very similar to a regular travel trailer, expect some of the living space is taken out in exchange for a garage. The garage has a folding ramp and is usually designed to hold motorcycles, 4 wheelers, and other off road vehicles. However, there are larger toy haulers that can carry larger vehicles.
The fifth wheel is basically a travel trailer, but instead of hitching at the back of the tow vehicle, it is connected to a hitch in the back of a truck bed. This hitch is similar to an 18-wheeler hitch, only smaller. Fifth wheels have a number of advantages over regular travel trailers. The weight of the trailer is supported by the rear wheels of the truck, making towing more stable. This also reduces the overall length of the tow vehicle and trailer, which improves maneuverability. However, one disadvantage is that you have to have a truck to tow it.
Before you decide to go with a traditional travel trailer, toy-hauler, or a fifth wheel, you should explore floor plans of each type and find the one that is best suited to your needs. Once you make your decision, give RV Covers Direct a call! We have many RV accessories such as covers, wheel covers, and spare tire covers in stock. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales staff is standing by to help you decide what accessories are right for you.